- Teams must be registered with the STEAM Innovation Challenge by February 25th, 2024 to attend ICAC.
- All members of a team are required to compete in the same event.
- A team can only participate in one event at a maximum.
- If accommodation for STEAM ICAC is needed, it must be requested by March 15th, 2024.
- All members of a team must be ages 13-18.
STEAM ICAC Regulations
- Judges may penalize contestants, after consultation with STEAM Innovation Challenge management, if they feel there has been a rule infraction not explicitly stated in the Rules and Regulations.
- All materials submitted at the STEAM ICAC become the property of the STEAM Innovation Challenge. The STEAM Innovation Challenge may use or allow affiliated partners to publish submitted material.
- Contestants may not provide judges with any items, gifts or notes. Participants may only present their model, report, and planning to the judges.
- Contestants must submit a hard copy of their report and planning.
- The report submission must be under 6000 words and have a maximum of 10 pages (discluding citations).
- All attendees of STEAM ICAC must be dressed in business formal attire.

POInt deductions
- Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Judges will determine point deductions will be made depending upon the extent of the plagiarism.
- Teams will be called up 5 minutes before their slotted time. Should contestants arrive more than 5 minutes later than their slotted time, a penalty may be administered with which 15 or more points can be deducted
- The presence of all team members at the STEAM Innovation Challenge Annual Conference (STEAM ICAC) is mandatory unless exempted through the STEAM IC team
- Team members who are absent during the presentation are ineligible to attend the awards ceremony.
- Teams should aim to complete their presentations (with no digital visual aids) within the allocated time of 10 minutes. If a team exceeds the time limit, the presentation will be interrupted and any additional material presented will not be scored. No points are deducted if a team has to be cut off.